

Titik nyaman hidup itu waktu ga perlu mikir dan khawatir cuma untuk memastikan semuanya bakal baik – baik saja. Simple karena memang belum bisa mikir dan belum bisa ngerti khawatir itu sebenarnya apa. When was it? Childhood? I don’t think so. Saya rasa waktu kita masih janin bentuknya :)

And then the childhood came. We start to feel the inconvenience. Tapi kita cuma perlu menangis, and then the helps will come. Most of the time, the only thing we need to do to solve our problem is crying :)

Then we grew up. Become an adult. We think too much, wanting too much and worry too much. We cried quietly, hoping our inconvenience will disappear as we crying. But off course not. And then we start analyzing, find the way out, read motivation book, and yeah say a little prayer maybe. Then we try to reach the convenience spot by covering our self with the good look.

Next, we getting old. I don’t know what happens next. Entah lah.. I haven't arrived to that part yet..