

Ceritanya Sabtu kemarin jadwalnya saya buat tes IELTS. My first IELTS test ni... I paid $180 for this test. Jumlah yang menurut saya ga dikit sih.. (ya iya lah wong materiality saya cuman goceng).

Berhubung mau tesnya di Kuningan yang notabene jauh dari kantor n kosan, jadi daftarnya akhirnya nitip teman yang ngantor di Kuningan. Sebelumnya dah mastiin dulu ke information-nya boleh ga nitip n boleh ga kalo pas tes ntar ga bawa KTP asli, soalnya KTP nya udah expired n masih dalam proses perpanjangan. Kata petugasnya no problem. Bawa employee ID jg gpp. Yang penting ada fotonya. Tp hasilnya bakal dihold sampe KTP asli jdnya. Ooouuww.... beres lah kalau begitu. Bisa pake employee ID. Soalnya saya ga punya paspor atopun SIM. Yahhh...poordotcom emang... ;p

I don’t know why tp yang jelas bukannya cpt2 ambil bukti daftarnya ke teman yg dititipin tapi malah baru ngambil hari Jumat alias H-1. Soalnya mikirnya ga kan ada apa2 lah.... Dan bener aja.. emang ADA APA2! Di bukti daftarnya distepler skalian aturan buat tesnya. Salah satunya “You must bring with you to the test the original of the ID quoted on the application form; photocopies are not acceptable. Candidates who produce ID other than that stated on the form or who do not have the original of their ID will not be able to take the test on that day”. Waduh kok kalimatnya terasa kejam yah. Kayanya tegas sekali. Coba nelp ke tempat testnya buat nanyain lg tp ga da yang angkat. Ya iya lah wong hari Jumat itu lg public holiday.

Krna udah bingung akhirnya nelpon kakak saya yang selama ini emg saya angkat buat jadi PIC gadungan buat ngurus KTPnya. Ada ga bukti perpanjangannya or apalah yang bisa dipake bukti buat besok. Sayangnya sebagai PIC ternyata urusan KTPnya masih disubkon juga ke temennya dia yg saya ga kenal sama sekali. Terus temennya itu ditelpon ga ngangkat2 jg. Mo disamperin ga bisa karena kakak saya lagi diBandung. Haduhhh...

Mulai pusing jadinya... Apa lagi kalau dipikir2 emang deg2an sekali buat test besok. Brasa blm siap. Tapi kalau ditunda terus sepertinya bakal susah juga. Kedepannya dikantor juga masih sibuk. Jadi ga yakin bisa lebih siap lagi. Pas lagi pusing2nya tiba2 kakak saya nelpon ngabarin kalau temennya dah bisa dihubingin dan ternyata KTPnya udah jadi. Dia yang lupa mulu buat ngabarin. Yeeee....!

Niatnya sore mau belajar IELTS lagi tp terpaksa malah jadi jemput KTP ke Bekasi. Mahal pula ongkos taksinya Kuningan-Bekasi-Sunter. Hiyaaaaa! Setelah dapat KTP kok tetap berasa ga tenang yah? Mungkin karena udah grasa-grusu dan panik dari tadi. Jadi masih berasa deg2an. Apalagi no ID di KTPnya juga berubah. Bsk bakalan jadi masalah ga ya? Kan berarti beda ama yang dipake buat daftar? Haduuuhh... Pusing2 akhirnya milih tidur aja.

Besok paginya alias Sabtu pagi cabs ke Kuningan buat testnya. Sampe di bagian registrasi bener aja ditanyain napa KTP nya beda. Tp ternyata ga ribet. Mereka juga ngerti wong namanya dah expired ya kudu diganti. Mereka cuman copy lagi KTP yang baru abis itu udah selesai. Lah... napa kmrn saya sampe grogi banget yah mikirinnya....

Tesnya sih ga bisa dibilang gampang yah. Hehheheh... Listeningnya lumayan susah. Apalagi selama ini saya terbiasa dengan listening model TOEFL. Writtingnya agak2 menjebak kayanya pertanyaannya. Trus writingnya berhubung sering nulis di blog jadi ga masalah si ama mengarangnnya. Tp ga tau de dari segi tata bahasanya dah bener apa belum. Jadi kesimpulannya yang bisa yang mana yah???hahahhaha...

Terakhir speaking test. Ternyata kebagian yang jam 15.20. Waduh ini kan baru jam 12. Dari pada bengong akhirnya cabut ke STB one. Bisa nonton shrek dulu. Hahhaha... Nungguin filmnya saya milih nongkrong di bilik toilet . Ngapain?? Bljr speaking!! Hampir 20 menit ngomong2 sendiri di toilet. Semua topik yang kepikiran diomongin. Untung toiletnya sepi. Berasa dah mantabh ne buat tesnya. Uhuuyyy!!

Jam sth 3 udah nyampe lagi di tempat test. Ternyata jadwalnya dimajuin. Baru nunggu 10 menit udah disuruh naik n nunggu didepan ruang interviewnya. Dan ga tau kenapa saya GROGI ABIS!! Belum pernah saya gugup kaya begini. Pas interview buat kerjaan aja ga begini. GUGUP TERUS sampe nama saya dipanggil n saya harus masuk buat test. Yang namanya speaking kalau dah gugup yah hasilnya jadi jauh dari yang diharepin. Ngomongnya jadi ga beraturan. Yang lebih parah waktu dikasih topik di kartu. Ga kepikiran sama sekali. Jadi terpaksa ngarang. Ngarangnya pake acara ngaco n nyinggung perasaan interviewernya pula sepertinya. Haduuhhhh...

Pas balik jadi kepikiran. Kenapa ya tadi bisa begitu. Apa karena efek dari kmrn emang udah grasa-grusu, ga tenang n deg2an ya? Jadi masih kesimpen terus dibawah sadar? Harus diakuin lah emang kurang persiapan. Baik secara administratif maupun technical. Hahahhahahha...

Tapi yang namanya udah lewat yah mau diapain. Mau nangis 7 hari 7 malam juga ga kan ngebantu apa2. Tapi selama hasilnya belum keluar boleh kan yah ngarep yang terbaik?? Yah I will cross my fingers for the result, since that’s the only thing I can do right now. Everything can be happened. So dari pada pusing2 n sedih2 saya pilih buat berdoa aja. :)


Traveling chp: TIDUNG

Honestly, I barely had information about this island before. I know the island is one from several islands in Kepulauan Seribu but I don’t have much information about it. However, a few months later some online media gave a travelling review about this island. And the review seems like attracting some of my friends. As they suggested, we finnaly plan our trip to Tidung Island.
Like always happens when we plan a trip, we always consider money as one of the most important point. We think that is the art of doing a trip. Hahhahah.. Based on information from some blogs and also a friend, we planned the itinerary and then start the trip with pray and conviction;p

Day One
Our meeting point is Marina Harbour. The Harbour for Tidung Island is no 21. The island can be reached in 1.5 hours by using Krapu boat. It cost you around IDR 30,000. However, to get to Marina Harbour you need to pay IDR 10,000 as an entrance ticket to Ancol. Hemmmm....
When we arrived at Tidung we immediately contact our CP. The CP help us for accomodation preparation. We stayed at a lodge that cost us IDR 250,000/night. The lodge has quite proper facilities like bed, television, bathroom, mineral water and also air condition. It can accomodate up to 10 people. So the price will be so cheap if you can arrange a group of people to share the lodge. Beside that, you can also rent a bicycle for IDR 15,000 per day. Bad for me, I don’t know how to ride a bike! As the solution I chartered a pedicab ;p.
Our plan in 1st day is to visit Tidung Kecil island. There is a bridge connecting these two island. So you can reached this small island easily. The price of food in this island relatively cheap. We only need to pay IDR 10,000 for fried rice as our lunch. Heemmm.. When we were in the middle of our lunch, two kinds came to us. Both of them are girls. At first they look so shy and didn’t “asked” a lot. So we welcome them as part ot the team. We give them some snacks, take some pictures of them and then asked them if they know beautiful spot in Tidung Kecil.
These two girls finnaly guided us during our trip in Tidung Kecil. However, seems like there are some urband legend about this little island. Nobody lives there and based on their information there are some cemeteries there. Hiiiii!!!! These two girls guided us to the end of the island. Not many visitor came to that part. It was only us at that moment. Many visitor just visit the side beach of Tidung Kecil.
To get the end of this island we need to do “little” trekking. A little bit exhausted actually but it’s worthed at the end! The beach is so beautiful and calm. Nobody there except us. Love it so much! The bad part is only one. The kids keep telling us about the urband legend. Uuuugghh.... The conclusion is: the island is spooky. Hiiiii!!!! At the end of our trip to Tidung kecil, we gave the two little girls IDR 20,000 ;p
In the afternoon we went to the west beach (Tidung kecil lies in east side). It’s beautiful, but it think tidung kecil is better;p
At night we plan to have roasted fish as our dinner. We spent IDR 40,000 only to have 2kg of fish ready to eat. Hemmmm... At dinner, the two girls bring 1 companion, their brother! Thanks God we order enough food to eat. The 2kg fish enough for 10 people. Yuhhuuuu.... J When we went back to the lodge, the girls want to spend the night in our lodge. Wow, I think they started to be annoying... However, we sais no to them. Sorryyyy...
Day 2
In the morning some of my friend went to see the sunrise while I preferred to enjoy the holiday by waking up late. Hehheheh... At 7am I joined the group. The bridge is of of the most beautiful spot in Tidung actually. We take a lot of pictures there. This morning, we also went to the north beach. You can reach the beach by riding your bike and then continue with trekking accross the coconut farm.
The other activity you can do in Tidung is snorkling. You only need to pay IDR 20,000 – 25,000 to rent the snorkling equipment. But if you want to get the best spot for snorkling you need to rent a small boat which cost you about IDR 250,000.
The schedule for the boat to marina harbour is only once a day. Therefore, we need to compete with the other visitors since the capacity of the boat is only around 20. If you can not catch the boat, you can have a ferry as an alternative. But boat to Marina harbour is more comfortable. One suggestion, do not ever take a line in front of the counter when you want to by the ticket. Just sit on the chairs that have been prepared. The queue number will be distributed based on your seat. So, make sure you sit on the front row ;p
For a place that only took 1.5 hours from Jakarta with a very affordable price, I think Tidung offers more than you expect.