

That The Netherlands able to subdue the threat of flood even though a third of its territory is lower than sea level is certainly NOT A NEW STORY. Currently, this country not only able to mitigate that threat, but also able to show us how to live with the water by using the existing technology in completely new ways.

He is Koen Olthuis, a Dutch architecture who also known as the "Floating Dutchman”, the founder of Waterstudio and Dutch Dockland , an architectural firm and a global leader in floating developments, concepts and infrastructure, who comes with creative and “crazy” idea to change the mindset fighting against the water into living with the water. Koen through Waterstudio and Dutch Docklands has successfully developed a number of outstanding floating infrastructure projects not only in Netherlands.

Below are some of the projects that claimed as “protected against water and flood” or even tsunami–proof:

1. Sea Tree
Sea Tree is a floating structure that holds in many layers green habitats for only animals and can’t be disturbed by human population. The concept is similar to park zones in urban areas, but put vertically on top of each other.  This floating tower will be the first floating object 100% built and designed for flora and fauna. Sea Tree will be realized in January 2014 in Mumbai or New York.

2. Citadel Project, Holland
     Citadel is planned to be the first floating apartment complex. This complex can be reached by floating road and has car storage facility underneath the building.  The Citadel comprising 600 floating houses and 600 houses on stilts or artificial hills, which will be protected against water. This project will be realized in December 2014.

3. Floating Golfcourse, Maldives
This 18-hole golf course will include luxurious accommodations and consist of a series of floating platforms. The platforms will be connected to one another and surrounding hotels by clear underwater tunnels.  The underwater tunnel will lead to the clubhouse, where a glass elevator drops down to a main bar that doubles as a spectacular natural aquarium.  This course will be the first and only floating golf course in the world.

4. Five Star Floating Krystall Hotel, Norway
The design is based on an ice crystal which blends-in naturally with the "winter environment". As mentioned in Dutch Docklands website, the hotel with a diameter of 120 meter will have 86 rooms, conference rooms, spa & wellness facilities and is completely self supporting and self-sustainable.

Well, they are just some examples. We must be familiar with Amillarah Floating Island and Greenstar Floating Hotel in Maldives, or Floating and Rotating Hoteltower in Dubai, the other examples of Waterstudio and Dutch Docklands’ masterpiece.
How about our country? I think as a maritime country and close to the danger of tsunami, it’s good for us to start not only fighting against the water but also live with it. It’s not an impossible thing, right? Let’s be optimistic! :)




#MagicalMay - Day 7th

Finally!!!  I'm kind of late to join, yeah I join on the seventh day. But there are still many days of May to go :) :) 

Ok. Now, let's finish the task! :)

Seperti biasa, tulis 10 hal yang kamu syukuri atas hari kemarin (Minggu, 6 Mei 2012). Akhiri dengan “terima kasih” 3 kali.

1. Masih bisa bangun pagi dengan sehat dan nyaman. Waktu bangun saya lagi selimutan dikasur yang empuk, kamar sejuk ber AC, ditemenin sama bantal 2 biji n guling 2 biji plus badan sehat baik - baik aja. Jelas semua itu suatu berkat dan kemewahan.

2. Naik ojek ke Gereja and abang ojeknya ngasi helm yang masih bagus. Ga bau and bulukan kaya biasanya. Ihiiyy... Rambut saya jadi aman - aman saja :D :D

3. Got a very good 'message' from the Sunday Service. It's about prayer. Bahwa doa bukan hanya sarana kita berbicara kepada DIA. Tp juga media buat kita bisa dengar suara - Nya :)

4. Ngopi gratis di starbuc*s!! :) :)  Iya gratis. Kok bisa?? Hehhehehhe... Gratis aja pokonya :D

5. Bisa sarapan enak di warkop yang sama. Just another blessing and luxury! Apalagi buat saya yang sedang ga punya penghasilan tetap ini :)

6. Nyampe dikos tepat pada saat hujan turun. Thanks God ga kehujanan.

7. Dapat BBM dari nyokap. Bersyukur masih ada orang tua yang menemani sampai umur segini, meski mereka tinggal nun jauh disana :)

8. Bisa tidur siang dengan pulessss. Zzzzzttttttt

9. Dapat kiriman foto ponakan yang baru lahir dari si abang yang tinggal jaaauuuuuuhh disono. Ahh.. ngeliat fotonya aja bisa bikin hati adem :)

10. Duh masih banyak ni yang bisa ditulis, kok uda nyampe no terakhir aja??? Yo weis yang terakhir, malem kemarin saya bisa tidur lelap bebas dari insomnia!! :) :)


Tugas Utama: Pilih satu masalah/situasi terberat yang sedang terjadi dalam hidupmusaat ini dan ingin kamu tuntaskan sekarang juga. Buat daftar 10 hal yang paling kamu syukuri dari keadaan negatif tersebut, dengan “terima kasih” 3 kali untuk penyelesaiannya. Setiap kali kita berpikir negatif tentang hal tersebut, katakan, “Tapi saya bersyukur itu terjadi karena ___.”

Wow, to able to finish this task, I should reminisce this last 1,5 months. Sadly, I don't want to write it in details here :D.  Morever, this project actually between me and God right?? I know he can hear my heart speaking right now. I promise, I will write about in details when the time comes :) But I will share 10 things that I grateful a lot bcoz of this circumstances.

1. Ga ada lagi si Ima yg "kumaha ngke" Boleh aja masih pegang prinsip itu tp yakinin siap dengan the worst scenario. Karena bisa banyak terjadi hal - hal tidak terduga dalam prosesnya yang bikin drama hidup ini jd lebih dramatic!! :)

2. Saya jadi tau mana yang bener - bener sahabat :) dan tau bahwa persahabatan n pertemanan itu harus dipupuk n dijaga terus. Bener - bener udah kaya taneman dah,

3. Jadi tidak gampang nge-judge orang lain dan kehidupannya. Most of the time what can be seen hanya yang dipermukaan saja. Kondisi sebenarnya bisa jauh dari itu.

4. Saya jadi lebih bisa menghargai apa yang sudah dipunyai selama ini

5. Saya semakin dekat dengan keluarga

6. Saya menemukan HOME yang selama ini saya cari - cari :) :)

7. Saya punya kesempatan buat ngajar anak - anak dipanti asuhan dan belajar dari kehidupan mereka.

8. Menemukan kecintaan saya akan sesuatu, lebih dari yang saya kira selama ini :)

9. Berasa dekat kembali dengan DIA yang dulu sempat saya 'jauhi'

10. Jadi sadar, mengalami dan memahami sepenuhnya bahwa: HAPPINESS has nothing to do with your job, your money, your status, your family, dll, dst!! Poin - poin itu cuma alat - alat yang LAZIMNYA bisa NGEBANTU biar kita bahagia tanpa ada jaminan bahwa kita akan bener jadi bahagia. Karena hidup bukan hanya soal pekerjaan lo apa, yang lo kerjain buat hidup apa, duit lo berapa, pacar lo berapa lusin, baju lo merk apa, dll, dst. Life is so big, infinite and yet simple at the same tame. Kalau mau bahagia mah ya uda bahagia aja. ga usah pake embel - embel yang lain. Caranya gimana? Punya hati yang IKHLAS dan BERSYUKUR. Udah selesai. Simple yet big and infinite at the same time yah? :)


Wanna join #MagicalMay??? go to: http://poeticonnie.tumblr.com/post/22177564262/magicalmay2012-daftar-tugas