
One Week Story

After having 1.5years “unnormal” life as an auditor, finally I had out of town client assignment. Not only for stock take or physical check like usual. Even the context is still in assisting (off course lah… I spent my time too much in that “lovely” client, making me only act as assistant when join other engagement.). But it’s ok lah, considering I was assigned to Celebes Island which I never been there before. Yipppie…!!

After asking reliable "party" regarding this assignment (when later I finally realized that I ask the wrong person. Hehehhehe.. ), I’m getting much excited about this trip. From the information I know, this assignment won’t be taking so much effort. In the other word: NO OVERTIME. The latest you can go home at 8pm. Yippie…!! I feel like this will be 10 days holiday.

Overall, I like this engagement. The client so helpful and this city have so many great places to eat. But one thing I realized, I’ve asked the wrong person before ;p Here, I always bring my work to the Hotel and working until 12. There was once when I work until 1.30am. Hwuaaaahhh…this not like 10 days holiday I imagine. This like the other normal engagement actually. Hehheheh…The job is also not so simple like I think. Huaaahhhh… I’m so sleepy everyday.

Thanks God it’s getting better every day. In Friday I even have time for shopping with the others. And one thing I really like here is: almost all of the books in Gramedia is not wrapped anymore. So, feel free to read the book at that place. Hwuahahhaha…

It has been one week, and next week will be finalizing of my workdone. Actually, that will be the hardest part due to the approval regarding the findings. I hope it will goes smoothly;p

By the way, since this is a beautiful picture (belongs to Jale), I want to share it. Even it has no connection with my story anyway. Hahahahhahah….