
Merry 'not-busy' Christmas!!

When I was a child, still in elementary school or kind of, all I thinking of is new dress, new shoes, and having some Christmas performance rehearsal. Celebrate Christmas from one church to the others, from one celebration to the others. All about getting busy, showing my existence, and looking good on the others' eyes

And then I leave the hometown. So next Christmas is about back home, meet parent and family. Celebrate Christmas only in Christmas Eve and big family christmas celebration. But still, we are too busy. Busy meeting other people called family. Busy to attend all things conducted in the name of Christmas. Busy to do all thing while back home

And then that time comes. Time to make some bucks. To pay bills, buying things. I choose when I want to back home. I came home one week before Christmas Eve, or maybe one week after. Sometimes I skip the Christmas Eve or even the Christmas sermon.  I'm not busy.. not busy at all. 

I'm not busy, really not.. Not busy so hear the quite rhythm. Not busy to share story with the speaking silence. They are good friends.. "Don't be too busy," they said. "Just don't..."



La..la..la... The yellow light starts blinking
Let me know something become something
and my question leaves anxiety
which finally leading to discomfort
hiding in a label named "fuel"

La..la..la... The light turns to red
I fall, confuse, angry and devastated
people laughing at me a lot 
and I start to feel worry
worry I won't be able to make them payback
worry about Mr. Time
worry about Mrs. Goal
worry about Sir Achievement
and really really worry about Madam Future

Ahhh.. sorry, apparently the worries obscures my view
It still yellow!! Yes it's still yellow

*ps. it will never changes to red, except I decide it so*


Reminiscence of Sunday School

Engga tau kenapa, mungkin karena efek udah sekitar sebulanan ga gereja (#uhuk), malam ini tiba - tiba keingat jaman masih ikutan Sekolah Minggu. Duluuuuu banget. Hampir 20 tahun yang lalu kayanya (what???? Am I that old already???)

The thing that I remember the most, gw ga pernah bisa nonton doraemon gara - gara jamnya sama ama kebaktian Sekolah Minggu!! :( :( Dan dulu jangan coba - coba kepikiran bolos buat Sekolah Minggu. My mom kind of very very veeeryyyy strict about it. Harus ikutan sekolah minggu ga boleh bolos! She always said: "anak iblis yang ga Gereja hari Minggu!!" Okelah sebelum semuanya jadi makin ribet karena iblis juga bisa ngambek karena difitnah punya anak gw, jadi saya nurut aja.

Yang lain yang paling gw ingat juga adalah lagu - lagu sekolah minggunya. Kaya:

Satu anak Tuhaaannn pergi skolah minggu, satu anak Tuhan cari jiwa, pergi skolah mingguuuuu
Dua anak Tuhaaaann pergi skolah minggu, dua anak Tuhan cari jiwa, pergi skolah mingguuuu
Tiga anak Tuhaaaann........

demikian seterusnyah. Lagu itu bakal terus berlanjut entah sampai berapa anak. Normally sih sampai sepuluh. Abis sepuluh biasanya disudahi oleh guruh Sekolah Minggunya dengan:

Smua anak Tuhaaannnnnn, pergi skolah minggu, semua anak Tuhan cari jiwa, pergi skolah mingguuuuu

dan dengan demikian lagu tsb pun berakhir #sekian

Terus ada satu lagu yang suka bikin saya panas dingin. Kalau udah mulai nyanyi lagu yang ini biasanya saya sibuk liat kanan kiri depan belakang mastiin kalau jumlah kita yang nanyi genap. lagunya itu:

Rumah didalam hutan, kancil lihat di lubang, kancil lari mengejaaaaarrrr, mengetok pintu tok..tokk...
Rusa rusa tolonglaahhh, ku ditembak pemburu, kancil mari masuk laaaahh, berjabat tangaaannn.

Nah pas bagian berjabat tangan, anak - anak sekolah minggunya juga kudu cari temen buat berjabat tangan. Yang ga dapat pasangan buat jabat tangan harus nyanyi kedepan. Huh!!!!

Ahh, tapi dulu saya senang kok tiap ke sekolah minggu. Bagian sedihnya ya cuman itu, karena ga bisa nonton doraemon sama kalau ga dapat pasangan jabat tangan pas nyanyi rumah didalam hutan :( Sisanya, semua nyenengin! :) :) Apalagi kalau udah masuk bulan Oktober. Biasanya sudah mulai sibuk nyiapin buat acara natal. Since I was one of the DIVA in Sunday School (yes I WAS. Bhwuahhahaha) biasanya saya ikut banyak performance buat natalan. Mulai dari nari, paduan suara (ehhh..saya biasa jadi conductor loh), drama, puisi (kadang) trus pernah bentuk trio juga (eksis abiisss). Kalau nampil rame - rame saya emang lumayan jagoan lah. Tapi kalau sendirian, euhhh... bisa mendadak bengek.

Life goes on. Udah gedean ga boleh masuk sekolah minggu lagi. Masuknya kebaktian remaja. Mulai ga seru nih. Maklum abegeh, mulai sok merhatiin gaya, naksir ini itu (yg ga ditaksir balik. Pediihhh), sirik ini itu, ahh..jadi mulai males aktif di Gereja. Nyokap masih nyap2 sih, tapi mulai berani bandel ngelawan. Hehheheh. 

and life keeps going on. Makin kesininya makin ga ikutan apa - apa lagi di Gereja ;p Datang cuman buat kebaktian. Itu pun ga rutin tiap minggu :D Dan tiap nyokap nelp nanya: "Hari ini udah gereja??" Sering jawabnya: "udah, dikosan tapi" :D :D Dan nyokap sih ga pernah marah - marah lagi. Hehhehehhe

Lah buat beribadah emang ga harus ke gedung Gereja kannn??? Kan ada lagunya skolah minggunya:

Gereja bukanlah gedungnyaaa, dan bukan pula menaranyaaaa
Bukalah pintunya, lihat didalamnya, gereja adalah oraaangnyaaa.....

See?? Even the sunday school song justifies my behavior ;p 

*anyway, minggu depan saya niat ke Gereja kok :) :)


The Zzzzzzzztt Trip

I'm a very last minute person. I become so productive when it close to the deadline already. When I still have much time, I used to waste it by doing too much planning, thinking, and analyzing. Every morning, it's so hard to me to wake up early. No wonder I always take a bath and dress up in hurry. Many times I prepare my trip in a very last minute. Just like what happened recently. Yes, I live my life in hurry most of the time. Therefore, I should have those "high speed". Just because I do all of those thing in a rush.

Oh I just want to live the days differently this time. So, I've made my decision, let's have a trip!! A trip to a slow rhythm city. And this time, I want to do it in a different way. No hurry, let it flow slowwwwlllyyyyy.... 

Not so bad at the first day. I spend it by visiting some places, (it's a small city, I can do it in a very short time) made a slow walk, long stop to take some pictures, sit on the bench watching people passing by, ahh.. no hurry at all. Just like I want. 

Day two? Ohh god, I'm bored to death!! I was in one of the palace and suddenly felt so sleepy. The rhythm just too slow. I miss those rush. Ok! Let's do something. I already have 3pm appointment to join city tour. And it's still 10 am. I ran out of the palace (yes, I was running), look for a taxi, asked the driver to drive me to the bus station! Going out of town, visiting one of the temple. (at the end, I paid the taxi driver to drive me to that temple since he offered me a very good price :D). Then it feels much better. Not so bored anymore. But still when I back to the city and having that city tour, owwwhhh...so bored :(

Day three? Oh I can't take it anymore. Thanks God I have morning flight. And that was the first time I'm so happy back to Jakarta.

I'm quite confuse actually. It's a pretty city. But why I had no excitement? Soooo bored. The only place I felt so exciting was the antique market named Pasar Triwindu. I love that place. 

Yeah bored. Is it because the rhythm? I'm not used to those slowly mouwly thing??  or maybe just because the city is not so different with other place I have visited before? Or is it because I do it in solo trip? Oh whatever it is I just feel so bored. Even now, while writing about this trip, I'm yawning many times.

*Don't get me wrong. I didn't say I hate that city. It's a pretty city. It should be an interesting  place to visit. It just me. I was so bored. That's all ;p

I posted some pictures from this trip here, I promise they do not looked boring ;)


De'Borah vs. Nelly's Echo: "Message in a Bottle" - The Voice


Just a castaway
An island lost at sea
Another lonely day
With no one here but me
More loneliness
Than any man could bear
Rescue me before I fall into despair

I'll send an SOS to the world
I'll send an SOS to the world
I hope that someone gets my
Message in a bottle

A year has passed since I wrote my note
But I should have known this right from the start
Only hope can keep me together
Love can mend your life
But love can break your heart

I'll send an SOS to the world
I'll send an SOS to the world
I hope that someone gets my
Message in a bottle


Jakarta Fashion Week 2013

I got tickets for two shows. Not an easy one to get. I booked the tickets at 1.30 am and so far these are the only I got :D But finally I only able to come to BENTEN show. But thank God I came quite early. While waiting for BENTEN show, one of the committee offered me ticket for Parang Kencana :)) And the other good thing, they allowed me to sit at the press area since I brought my SLR.

By the way, I'm too excited while watching the first show. Kind of forget to set the camera properly and review the result on the LCD. The result is not something I proud of :D. But I think the result become better on the second show, BENTEN :)

For more pictures taken on BENTEN show, please visit my photoblog :)



And I don't know what happened today. The universe makes a conspiracy, together with all of those tiny and giant particle. They definitely have done something. 

I don't know what it is. I just begin the day with numbness and then the anger comes unreasonably. I don't know how long they will stay, but their conspiracy hurt me badly :(



Don't you love the color?  Yes, that's what I have for my dinner today. I simply mixed lettuce, tomato, banana, a few slice of bread (yeahh, not the wheat bread but not so bad, huh? ;p). Sounds like a healthy dinner? Sadly, that's not my habit actually ;p I just started tonight and hope can be last until the end of this week. And next week? I think I'll do it once in two days ;p

By the way, the healthy food is just for dinner. These are what I eat along the day before dinner today:
1. Breakfast: instant noodle (the kimchi label attempts me to buy it)
2. Flavoured snacks (I eat it before lunch)
3. Lunch: rice with chicken, anchovy and broccoli (sounds not so bad)
4. 5 packs of cheese and chocolate snacks!!! (that's horrible!!)

Well, I believe we only live once. So, I don't want to waste it by put so much limitation for what I really want to eat. LOL. Not a good idea, but at least I try to minimize the bad effect with some exercise everyday :D :D

Anyway, in case you interested about good food, here are some food that believed as the top 10 healthiest:


Why They're Healthy:
-- Just one lemon has more than 100 percent of your daily intake of vitamin C, which may help increase "good" HDL cholesterol levels and strengthen bones.
-- Citrus flavonoids found in lemons may help inhibit the growth of cancer cells and act as an anti-inflammatory.


Why It's Healthy:
-- One medium stalk of broccoli contains more than 100 percent of your daily vitamin K requirement and almost 200 percent of your recommended daily dose of vitamin C -- two essential bone-building nutrients.
-- The same serving also helps stave off numerous cancers.

Dark Chocolate

Why It's Healthy:

-- Just one-fourth of an ounce daily can reduce blood pressure in otherwise healthy individuals.
-- Cocoa powder is rich in flavonoids, antioxidants shown to reduce "bad" LDL cholesterol and increase "good" HDL levels.


Why They're Healthy:
-- One red potato contains 66 micrograms of cell-building folate -- about the same amount found in one cup of spinach or broccoli.
-- One sweet potato has almost eight times the amount of cancer-fighting and immune-boosting vitamin A you need daily.


Why It's Healthy:
-- A great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to a reduced risk of depression, heart disease, and cancer.
-- A 3-ounce serving contains almost 50 percent of your daily dose of niacin, which may protect against Alzheimer's disease and memory loss.


Why They're Healthy:
-- Contain the most omega-3 fatty acids, which may help reduce cholesterol, of all nuts.
-- Omega-3s have been shown to improve mood and fight cancer; they may protect against sun damage, too (but don't skip the SPF!).


Why They're Healthy:
-- Rich in healthy, satisfying fats proven in one study to lower cholesterol by about 22 percent.
-- One has more than half the fiber and 40 percent of the folate you need daily, which may reduce your risk of heart disease.


Why It's Healthy:
-- Garlic is a powerful disease fighter that can inhibit the growth of bacteria, including E. coli.
-- Allicin, a compound found in garlic, works as a potent anti-inflammatory and has been shown to help lower cholesterol and blood-pressure levels.


Why It's Healthy:
-- Spinach contains lutein and zeaxanthin, two immune-boosting antioxidants important for eye health.
-- Recent research found that among cancer-fighting fruits and veggies, spinach is one of the most effective.

Why They're Healthy:
-- Eating a serving of legumes (beans, peas, and lentils) four times a week can lower your risk of heart disease by 22 percent.
-- That same habit may also reduce your risk of breast cancer.

(source: http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/recipes/healthy-eating/superfoods/the-10-healthiest-foods-on-the-planet)



It's an attempting title, "The Geography of Bliss". Well, the word "geography" actually attracts me more than the "bliss". Complete with the eye catching cover and the "New York Times Bestseller", I decided to buy this book. Actually, I kind of bore with all of those "motivation" or "pursue of happiness" genre. So when I bought this book I expect to be entertained by the adventure of the writer, Eric Weiner, and not to be preached by those pursue of happiness thing ;p

Well, I didn't mean to make a free promotion here, but it's an interesting book. I feel like reading wikipedia. I found many interesting part that make me curious (so I end up with googling more information about it), slapped (oh yeah that's too much. I really wanna avoid this part but I just can't), and yeah I just put a few more countries to visit in my bucket list.

The writer went to 10 countries (including his hometown, US) for a research about happiness. He wanna find out which one is the happiest country (off course country here refers to the people). And it's quite amuse to know a few interesting fact about those countries. Well, since I didn't mean to make a book review, I won't describe many of those facts ;p. But it's nice to know there is a country which is already well known as the unhappiest one (it's Maldova), there is a man in Qatar who spent USD 2,5 million to buy a cellphone number (it's 66666 --> believed as the lucky number), that sun still 'reluctant' to 'show up' in Iceland even it's noon already (yeah I just knew about it ;p) and also there is a wise man with his enlightening thought named Karma Ura in Bhutan.

This book gives me sense of curiosity. So I end up with browsing about Karma Ura, Aurora Borealis, Ashram, etc. But reading this book feels like reading Wiki already ;p. And yeah, I just add some more countries to visit in my bucket list. They are Bhutan, Iceland and Maldova! Quite sad that it looks like not that easy to visit Bhutan. I visit the official website off Bhutan embassy and seems like there is no information about visa application for the tourist. Later I know to obtain the visa can be arranged via Bhutan Travel Agent which will cost you a lot lot lot of money! And Iceland? Good news you can visit this country with Schengen visa! (yes I really want to include this country in my next year Europe trip. Ameeennn). But just prepare your wallet. Your wallet will scream horribly in many times. Everything is sooooo expensive there. The last, Maldova! Ah, I just curious. I want to know what is the unhappiest country looks like ;p.

Speaking about those pursue of happiness things, this book presents it quite nicely I think. The idea is just right. Happiness is about acceptance. You accept what you are sincerely. Not thinking that you should be at the other place, doing something else, or being another person. Hemmm... Well, yeah acceptance. Acceptance, bring you to the grateful point of life and not thinking and worry too much. BUT... just like the writer said, those "ungrateful" and "lack of acceptance" bring us to many dreams and fight for them, which finally put us at new 'level' and 'grade'. It's like our fuel. The fuel that help you to fight, develops new thing and many more. The world with all of the great achievement now is the works of people who just not accept what had been put on their plate. They were not satisfied and settle down in the comfort zone.

However, I like the other happiness idea gave by this book. Happiness is also about relationship. That there is one thing that more noble that happiness. It's love! Love defeat happiness. Yes, many times we put our happiness behind just to let people we love feel their happiness, right?? ;p

If I'm asking my self right now, Am I happy?? Well, I really not interested to settle down in that comfort zone. Even it's put me in a "not happy zone". So it means I choose not to be happy? Yeah I guess. But I'm happy to be not happy. Cause it's make me happy while thinking that I will arrive at the new level and grade of my life. Ahhh, confuse hah? Ok, let's make it simple. Am I happy? I think the answer is the same like the writer said, feevty - feevty! And feevty-feevty is not bad. Not bad at all :)


The Anti-Mainstream Weekend

"Come into the mountains,dear friend. Leave society and take no one with you but your true self. Get close to nature. Your every day games will be insignificant. Notice the clouds spontaneously forming pattern and try to do that with your life"  ~Susan Polis Schutz~

I read that poem on my 8pm flight to Lombok on Friday, Oct the 5th. It's not a coincidence  off course. I'm not kind of people who believe in those kind called "accidentally". Yes, it was a crazy idea. When most of people spend their weekend with shopping at the mall, this time I prefer to spend it with climbing the second highest volcano in this country!! Hurrayyy!!! :) :) *iyah-ini-emang-aga-gila*

It's started with my failure last year to conquer Rinjani's summit. I spent 3 days in Rinjani and get in to Plawangan Sembalun, Segara Anak lake and make my way back via Senaru. Tapi ga nyampe summit!! Errghhh!! Dan akhirnya, modal persiapan olahraga sebulan, kenekatan tingkat tinggi (iyah-saya-engga-bilang2-ke ortu-klo-mo-naik-gunung-;p) plus mengais - ngais duit tabungan (ini beneran karena emang lagi kere) akhirnya Jumat naik pesawat paling malem alias jam 8 malem, I was heading to Lombok!!! Ihiiyyyyyy!! :))

What I love about traveling is the experience along the way. Just like this time. Dimulai dengan ketemu oom2 dipesawat yang dgn absurd nanya "IP kamu dulu berapa??" Kata "dulu" ditambahin setelah dia tau I have finished my college insted of still in the college (iya--saya-kan-awet-muda *haiyyahhh*). dan waktu saya jawab dengan menyebutkan angka yang pas2an itu si oom pun nyahut; "Kamu ga niat bikin usaha aja?? Temen saya yang IPnya segitu biasanya sukses jadi pengusaha." Dan saya pun mendadak menangis meraung - raung (okeh-ini-boong). Saya senyum asem sambil sedikit cerita n ngejelasin ke oomnya. Ga tau deh apa ada tersirat nada curhat waktu ngejelasin. Yang jelas apa yang dia sampaein n ceritain berikutnya bikin saya makin sadar kalau emang "KEBETULAN" itu gak pernah ada. He just someone that has been planned by that MAN (who I love to call "My most loyal friend" or "GOD") to meet me and explain a few things to me. A few things that maybe HE has explained to me in many times. But I just don't get it. Dan kali ini rasanya I got the message!! *kayanya tapi yaahhh... maklum saya memang aga lemot*

Lombok itu satu jam lebih dulu dari Jakarta. Mendarat di Lombok udah sekitar jam 11 malam. Karena operator kita yang buat mendaki Rinjani cuman mau jemput dari Senggigi, terpaksa malam itu kita langsung cabut ke Senggigi. Untung jalanan lancar jaya karena udah malem. Sekitar jam 12.30 malem kita nyampe di penginapan yang udah bantu dibookingin ama hiking operator kita. Rempong is all the way my friend. Karena kita ogah berat - berat bawa perlengkapan selama di gunung, semua barang yang mau dibawa kita pack disatu tas yang ntar titip bawain ama porter aja. hehehheh. Bodo dah mesti bayar porter tambahan. Dari pada encok n gagal sampe puncak lagi ;p. Dan rempong - rempong beresin barang ini akhirnya berhasil bikin kita baru tidur jam hampir jam 2 pagi!!! Sementara si hiking operator mau jemput ntar jam 5 pagi!! Hadooohhh. Akhirnya demi tidur yang lebih panjang saya putusin besok pagi bangunnya mepet aja. Ga usah mandi. Apalagi keramas. Toh jalan satu jam aja di gunung udah langsung bikin kucel (ini alesan siii... Sbnrnya males mandi ajaaaa).

Mungkin karena excited plus deg2an, yang ada malah ga bisa tidur sama sekali. Asli bangun - bangun bukannya makin seger yang ada lebih puyeng dari pada sebelum tidur -____-. Untungnya Senggigi - Senaru itu sekitar 2,5 jam. Jadi lumayan bisa tidur pas di mobil jemputan. Selain kita bedua, di group hiking kita dapat tambahan dua orang lagi. Ibu ama anaknya yang masih umur 8 tahun! Selama perjalanan dari Senaru ke Sembalun (kita mulai trekking dari Sembalun) kita bareng - bareng duduk di mobil bak terbuka sambil dengerin si anak yang ga brenti2 nyerocos. Kadang nyerocosnya kecepatan, jadinya saya yang IELTS score cuman nyampe level pas2an ini cuman ngerespon pake senyum or ketawa aja. Abis kaga ngarti dia ngomong apaan -____-

Akhirnya kita mulai trekking dari Semabalun jam 10 pagi. Agak telat emang. And heiiii.. I still remember all of these spot. Mulai dari warung - warung tempat nongkrong guide and porter, sampai jalan setapak rute awal menuju kaki Rinjani. Ihhh... kangeeennnn.... I know it sound weird. Tapi buat siapapun yang pernah kesana pasti setuju kalau suasana disana pasti selalu bikin kangen. Cuman pegel n capenya memang suka override rasa kangennya. hehehheheh. 

Belum jalan satu jam si anak kecil udah mulai bikin drama sangkin capenya. Dimulai dari ngeluh - geluh kecapean, mau nangis, sampe pura - pura kena serangan jantung!! hahahahhah.. Nice try kiddo!! tapi nyokapnya mah ga peduli. Dia cuman ambil tas anaknya terus dia bawain sambil bilang "I've brought your bag and your water. It will be easier for you to walk now. There's nothing I can do anymore. You keep walking! I've told you about how hard this trip before. And you insist to go with me. Now, you should finish it!!" WOW!! Mamaaaahhh.. itu keren sekaliiiiiiii. Kamu menginspirasi saya untuk ajakin anak saya naik gunung suatu hari nanti (ntah kapan pun itu dan tolong jangan tanya kapan!!).

Team kita jadi agak kepisah selama perjalanan. Karena semua punya style jalan masing - masing. Hehhehe.. Saya lebih banyak jalan bareng si porter tambahan. Sedangkan team yang lain bareng si Bapak guide. Nyampe di pos 2 alias tempat makan siang ternyata porter makanan kita belum nyampe!!!!! Dohhhhh. Udah pegel, kelaperan masih harus nungguin si porter nyampe. Ini mah judulnya MENDERITA!! Setelah bengong sana sini plus nyengir kanan kiri, akhirnya si porter makanan nyampe juga. Tapi ternyata penderitaan kita belum berakhir sodara - sodaraaaa. Baru mulai nyalain kompor tiba - tiba turun hujan guedeeee aja. Akhirnya acara masak batal dan kita semua sempit - sempitan berteduh di pos. Sok pasang tampang cool n tegar. Padahal udah mo pingsan karena kelaperan.

Selesai makan kita langsung siap - siap buat jalan lagi. Karena takut nyampenya ntar kburu kemaleman. Ahhh... Akhirnyaaa saya ketemu lagi dengan BUKIT PENYESALAN. Untung udah siap batin dan mental karena sebelumnya udah pernah. Plus persiapan olahraga sebulan emang ngebantu banget. Ga se stress yang pertama dulu jadinya ;p Selama di bukit penyesalan agak kepisah jauh ama temen - temen yang lain. Tapi sayup - sayup saya dengar ada suara anak kecil nangis plus ada yang teriak - teriak gitu. ahhahahha. Kayanya drama ibu dan anak dimulai lagi.

Ternyata penderitaan masih terus berlanjut. Tiba - tiba turun hujan lagi. Ga segede yang tadi sih. Tapi bukit penyesalan + hujan + harus jalan sambil pake raincoat = NAMBAH PENDERITAAN GW BANGET SIIIHHH. Well, whatever it is I enjoy my walk a lot!! You may not believe it, but I bet you will feel the same way when you do it. Bisa sih jalan sambil nyetel lagu diipod, biar ga terlalu berasa. But I just didn't do it. Siapapun yang pernah kesana pasti ngerasa kalau penderitaan selama di bukit penyesalan itu memang bagian yang seru buat dinikmati :D Weird, ha?? Memang baru bisa dimengerti kalau udah dirasain sendiri :)

Hurrrraayyyyy!!! Jam 5 sore saya nyampe di Plawangan Sembalun. Tempat kita diriin tenda buat nginep sebelum jalan ke Puncak jam 2 pagi ntar. Dan masih kaya dulu. Saya masih jatuh cinta sama suasana di tempat ini. Agak lebay yaahh.. Tapi tempat ini masih berhasil ngingetin saya bahwa I really someone since able to conquer that horrible hills BUT also remind me that I'm a veeerryyyy tiny creature in this earth. Berasa hebat dan juga kecil disaat yang sama. Absurd emang. :D :D  

Nyampe Plawangan Sembalun mumpung yang lain belum nyampe rencana awalnya sih mau kontemplasi gitu. Sambil merenung, nenangin pikiran, nanya ke diri sendiri apa sih tujuan hidup gue (opo tooohh iniiii). Tapi boro - boro bisa tenang, yang ada langsung ditodong gerombolan mas - mas narsis yang minta tolong dipotoin. Ceritanya ni mas - mas bawanya kamera pocket. Gitu ngeliat saya nenteng - nenteng SLR (sumpah ini bukan mau nyombong yaaahh.. SLR saya yang biasa - biasa aja kok. Cuman Canon kelas 2digit. Belinya cash loohh.. Ga pake program cicilan 0% yang banyak menjamur sekarang --> kok ini malah jadi sombong???!!) akhirnya si mas - mas nyodorin memory cardnya dia n minta dipotoin pake si SLR. Minta tolongnya bener - bener ga kira2. Selain foto yang rame2, tiap orang pingin difoto sendiri - sendiri juga. Ga boong total ada puluhan jepret kali yah diminta tolonginnya. Itu baru nyampe Plawangan Sembalun. Narsisnya udah gila2an. Ga kebayang gimana narsisnya kalau si mas - mas ini pada nyampe puncak. Bisa emosi kali yang diminta tolongin buat moto -___-

And again sodaraaaa2... Si porter makanan telat nyampenya. Padahal dia bawain tenda juga. Dan waktu itu mulai hujan lagi dikit - dikit. Errrrrr... 

Malamnya abis selesai makan niatnya sih langsung tidur. Lumayan bisa tidur sampe jam 2 pagi. Sayangnya sama aja kaya kemarin malem. Sangkin dinginnya saya ga bisa tidur. Paling kayanya cuman tidur satu or dua jam doang. Yaahh :( Sekitar Jam 02.30 kita mulai jalan ke summit. Berusaha ga ingat2 kalau 2 hari ini saya bener - bener kurang tidur. Paksain diri aja biar berasa fit. Tapi rute ke summit emang super sinting!! Rasanya persiapan olahraga sebulan kemarin buat saya mah belum cukup. Udah mau gila rasanya. Ditambah ngantuk yang ga kira2. Rasanya udah mulai melayang2 ga jelas *halah*. Sempat beberapa kali punggung saya didorong ama guide team lain (karena guide gw ilang entah kemana -___-) buat ngebantu saya ndaki. Padahal waktu itu belum nyampe ke most frustating part.

Finally, I arrived at the most frustating part!! The sandy hills!! Jalan selangkah, mundur dua langkah. Kurang lebih begitu lah. Untung karena sehari sebelumnya hujan (baru ngerti kenapa "My most loyal friend" tega nurunin hujan di Rinjani kemarin) jadi pasir2nya lumayan steady. Jadi ga mundur dua langkah sesering normalnya. Tapi tetep aja saya leleeettt. Waktu orang lain udah pada turun, saya masih ngos2an buat naklukin ni bukit pasir. Asli mau nangis. Bener - bener setengah mati dalam arti yang sebenarnya... *nangiiisss*.

Well, finally at 7am, saya nyampai di summit!!!! Hurrrayyy. Bodo ah udah lewat sunrise. I still have that breathtaking view in front of my eyes!! Memang, Tuhan itu seniman paling keren dan paling talented. Karyanya luar biasa bagusnya :) :) Howcome ditengah gunung ada danau begini bagus dan ditengah danau yang super keren ini sekarang muncul gunung lagi! 

Perjalanan pulang balik ke tenda ternyata ga kalah bikin stress. Mungkin karena udah cape banget, plus serem ngeliat kanan kiri jurang plus udah panas, jadinya the route still make me kind of frustating. ehheheh. Kalau jatuh mah ga keitung berapa kali. hehehhe. Tapi memang karena belum umurnya yahhh jadi masih aman - aman aja. Jadi keinget teman - teman yang ga mau ikut ke Rinjani karena katanya serem takut kenapa - kenapa karena medannya yang berat. Pake nambahin daftar orang - orang yang meninggal di gunung pula. Padahal sebenarnya pada pingin. Cuman takut aja. Well, in my opinion kalau emang pingin tapi takut ama medannya yang berat ya harusnya dimodalin pake persiapan yang sebaik mungkin aja. Olahraga kek, apalah gitu.. Bukan justru mundur. Worries bring you nowhere. Kalau emang udah siapain diri sebaik mungkin ya uda kali yaaah. Umur mah ada yang ngatur. Asal kita ga petantang petenteng cari penyakit aja bukan? Toh yang kecelakaan di jalan raya juga banyak. Jauh lebih banyak daripada kecelakaan pas ndaki gunung bukan?? *okeh - ngelanturnya - cukup - sampai - disini*

Akhirnya baru nyampe lagi ditenda sekitar jam 10.30 pagi!! Jiaaah... Mother and son couple yang ga ikut ke puncak udah siap - siap buat jalan pulang duluan. Saya sempat dengar si Ibu beberapa kali muji anaknya since he got this far as targeted. Ahhh.. keren sekali si mamah ini mendidik anaknya. Saya mendadak pingin punya anak. *apa inih?? absurd skalihhh*

Jam 12 akhirnya kita mulai jalan dari Plawangan untuk balik lagi ke Sembalun where we will end our trip. tapi kaki udah ga bisa diajak kompromi ternyata. Sakitnya gila - gilaan. Jalan jadi lelet kaya siput. Jalannya lamaaa banget. Nyaris ga pake istirahat saya jalan terus. Paling brenti buat minum doang pas dipos. Abis minum yang cuman beberapa detik itu ya langsung jalan lagi. Karena sarapan paginya udah rada telat, akhirnya makan siang kita skip. Buat menghemat waktu. Tapi dasar lelet, tetep aja udah malam tapi kita belum nyampe Sembalun. Terpaksa kita jalan pake senter dihutan yang amat sangat gelap itu. Dohhhh!! Tiap ketemu turunan yang curam deket jurang udah mau nangis aja. Sumpah ini pengalaman malam - malam masih keliaran dihutan n digunung pula agak - agak bikin mo nangis gimana -____-. Dan yang ga kalah bikin serem tiba2 ada sms masuk yang ternyata dari emak!! Haduuuuhh gimana kalau ditanya lagi dimana? Mana berani boong. Untungnya ga ditanya lagi dimana. Cuman ditanya apa kabar? Sehat2 aja kan? Hehhehehe

Hampir jam 9 malem akhirnya kita berhasil keluar dari gunung!!! Hurrrraayyy!!!! Tapi masih ada perjalanan hampir 2 jam lagi dari Sembalun ke Senaru. Karena kita harus lewat pos Senaru lagi buat ambil barang - barang yang kita titipin. Si Bapak sopir yang kayanya udah emosi karena nungguin kita kelamaan jadi agak - agak sadis nyetirnya. Ditambah masuk angin n kelaperan karena terakhir makan pas sarapan jadilah muntah - muntah selama dijalan. Ieewwww..... :(

Dari Senaru kita masih harus ngelewatin that frustating 2,5 hours buat ke Senggigi. Untungnya karena si bpk sopir ngebut ga nyampe 2 jam kita udah nyampai di penginapan yang sama waktu hari pertama di lombok. Berhubung sudah 2 hari gak mandi, terpaksa bela2in mandi padahal ngantuknya udah ga nyante. Jadilah baru bisa tidur sekitar jam 1 pagi. Sayangnya pesawat kita jadwalnya jam 6 pagi. Jadi paling telat jam 4 pagi udah mesti bangun lagi (dengan asumsi langsung go ga perlu mandi tentunya) *mari nangis sama - samaaa*

Selama dipesawat balik ke Jakarta saya keinget lagi ama puisinya si tante Susan Polis. "Come into the mountains,dear friend. Leave society and take no one with you but your true self. Get close to nature. Your every day games will be insignificant. Notice the clouds spontaneously forming pattern and try to do that with your life". Dan saya pun senyum - senyum sendiri. I have so many things in my mind right now :) :)

*sedikit tips buat yang abis naik gunung. Begitu nyampe jakarta karena udah kelaperan karena pake acara kejebak macet, gw langsung makan nasi padang begitu nyampe kosan. Hasilnya, berhari - hari gw ga enak badan karena panas dalam. Moral of the story, plis jangan makan nasi padang abis naik gunung *apa sih ini???*