
PETAK SEMBILAN - teaches me something

Have you ever heard the quote "It's all on your mind"? Means that everything you have set in your mind clearly and precisely will be affecting your point of view, and what you see is just like what you thinking :D

About 2 weeks a go me and my friend planned to go to Petak Sembilan for photo hunting. It may sounds cool but trust me it just 2 people with "modest" camera try to spend the spare time with someting useful. LOL. We've made a little google to ensure the location and whether it's allowed to take some photographs there. As the result we found that Darwis Triadi had been there for a photo session. So, it won't be a problem (at that time we were completely forget the extra gap caste between us and him). hahahhahhah.....

To reach the Petak Sembilan you just need to stop at Glodok and walk to the back side of the building. Not so far actually. When we arrived at that place we started to feel doubt. That place looked quiet and no one take even one picture. Ehhhmmm.. We made a phone call to a friend. Asking if it's common to take some pictures inside the tampel. And she said it's okay as long as we can get permit from the officer of the tample.

We came into the tample and I don't know... I just thought that everyone were staring at us. I'm not kind of racist person I think, since I have so many friends from different tribe and ethnic. But I don't think people at that tempel thought the same. They looked at us with curious and suspicious face. My friend told me it just because I looked totally different compared to them. I'm sooooo black! Whattttt???!!!!
We still could not get the permit. Not because we were prohibited to take some pictures there, but because we were not having enough guts to ask the permit. They looked so unfriendly and seems like ready to asked us leave that place. Wow!! What happened to all of those people? Why they can't be friendly for something unrelated to money? upppsss!! Yeahh we know that Darwis Triadi had been there for a photo session. But he is Darwis Triadi ok!! Darwis Triadi!! :D
Finally, we felt boring for just staying and sightseeing. Whatever happened it's ok lah.. And then we entered the main part of the tample and walk to the officer table. We called her 3 times and then she looked at us. With pessimist voice we asked her if we allowed to take some pictures of the tample. Surprisingly, she smiled. And she said ok. It's fine. What?? that easy? and then we asked if there are certain part of the tampe that prohibited to be captured. And she said no. You may take your time and take some pictures as many as you want. Whatttt??
And then I looked around me... Now they look so friendly in my eyes. When we started to take some pictures some people come to us and invite us to see the other part of the tample. They smiled and there were no curious or suspicious face anymore.

I started to ask to my self. They even didn't hear when I asked the permission. It's just me who change my mindset about them after the officer smile at me and gave the permit. Wow! So the problem is me. I start to build a bad opinion about those people before I start to know them. It's reasonable if the officer didn't smile too much. She must be tired serving so many people come to pray. And I think it's also reasonable if the people staring at us when we arrived. Maybe we looked confused and not familiar to that place. It's just me who overinterpratated ther behavior.
Well, I learned a lot that day.... :)



Sebenarnya udah sering kepikiran. Kok kayanya gampang bgt yah ngomongin defisiensi buat control-nya klien. Klo buat diri sendiri udah gmn ya? hehhehhe.. Tp baru akhir2 ini berasa kena batunya ni...
Sktr sminggu yang lalu notebook tiba2 error. Panik! Data2nya banyak bgt yang blm diback up. padahal dikantor uda selalu diingetin buat rutin backup data2 audit. Trakhir kali ngeback up yaaahhhh skitar bbrapa bulan yang lalu. hehheheh.. Untung akhirnya notebooknya sembuh. Kalo ga??? hwuaaaaa!!!
Yang plg sering mkn notifikasi dari akun2 di internet tuh. Email, fb, twitter, dll. Selalu ngingetin buat rajin ganti password. Lah emang itu control dasar yg hrs dipenuhi bukan? Ngomong ke klien aja gampang soal data security. Tp saya sendiri ga pernah rutin ganti password. hehehheh.. kecuali dinotebook kantor karena terpaksa (ya iya lah wong dikirimin notifikasi berbau ancaman). Baru kena batunya pas akun fb saya ada yg hijack! Euurggghh... Br nyadar pas di wall muncul hsl dari kuis2 yang ga pernah saya mainin + spertinya ada nama2 tmn di friendlist yg tdk familiar. Wadddooowww...
Blm smpt cek semua langsung ganti password aja. Biar aman dulu. Ga nanggung2 kali ini dibikin password yang susaaaaahhh bgt. Rasain tu yg mo hijack! (emg ngefek ya???)
Skrg saya jadi berasa repotnya. Mau cek satu2 di friendlist mana yg temen, mana yang ada friend request dr saya pdhal sbnrnya ga prnah request kynya capek jg ya... Tmn2nya ga banyak2 jg sih... Tp dgn 'bantuan' internet yg lelet ini kok kynya lama aja ngerjainnya. Hiyyyaaahhh....
Ya sudah lah ya.... Ya pntg aman dl aja lah accountnya... Smoga blm smpt dipake buat yg terlalu aneh2... Mulai skrg kapok dah.. Janji rajin back up data, janji rajin ganti password, janji ga pikun lagi. Why?? because I just realised that I also can not find my ID card. Arrrrggghhhh........



Always become one of my fav song but kind of forget it for a while. Thanks to Ines for requesting this song at Karaoke session :)

When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Tears stream down your face
when you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I

Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you



Enjoying my life

I don't know when it's exactly started. But suddenly I realised that so many things that become so important for me previously, now seems not so anymore. That was one of my biggest dream an ambition since I was in uni. But now,I'm not sure that I will be happy to live it. I think I've found the other thing that makes me happier. What makes me surprised is the reality that I can change my mind. As addition, I treat money as a more important thing than before. I think I can't say that I love the new me. Maybe not yet. My brother told me, it shows that now I know how to enjoy my life. Really..??